January 15, 2020


It's been a while since I've posted here.
However, I have written some!  
Here is something I wrote about a year ago.  It wasn't time to post this at that point, but I feel it is now.  I called this one "Staying."  
I am planning on writing more - and posting a few more things - in the coming weeks.. I just have to figure out how to organize my thoughts on it all.

I am never offended when people ask me why I stayed so long.  The answer is complicated at best – a nightmare at worst. Simply put, I could not leave.  I understand that doesn’t make sense. But I will add, it only makes no sense because you’ve never been there.  The layers within a person abuse touches are more than the physical – it reaches to the very core fabric of your being … your soul.  Abuse weaves its way around the fullness of your love, the purity of your trust, the creativity of your mind and the foundation of your beliefs.  And sometimes it happens over time – other times, it’s a quick “snap” – and before you know it you don’t even recognize yourself … too much time was spent hiding and too many years spent trying to appease the abuser … all for naught.   And that’s when you realize you are enslaved in a cycle with a monster who will never change – oppressed – enslaved -- afraid.

I stayed because I loved him.  I stayed because I love my children.  I stayed because I needed to protect my children.  I stayed because the community thought he was amazing – I had no voice.  I stayed because I was alone – isolated from people: friends assigned, all activities monitored, money tracked, phone calls, emails and all texts – monitored, basic essentials withheld so I would always be in need, and so much more.  I had only existed in a culture where divorce was never an option. Some would mumble – “only in cases of adultery” – but never abuse. But they still judged. I was told often as I was being choked out, smothered or slammed against walls and doors that I had made a COVENANT… “til death do us part.”   I believed him. I believed him when I was told that our bodies were “one” and I belonged to him – this is what I had been taught my whole life. I stayed because I was afraid of the family, cultural and communal backlash. I was afraid of change. I was afraid of rejection. I was afraid of being alone.  I was afraid I would have no voice. I was afraid nobody would believe the truth. I was afraid I would die … and my children would be placed in danger.

I felt that I was the only person in the world who could be married to this volatile, angry, manipulative and cruel man.  I knew that very few people could “manage” his erratic behavior … but he trained me well. I was trained to respond to his anger.  I was trained to be silent. I was trained to only be “honoring” and “respectful” as he defined those things in his narcissistic mind.  And I did it very well. It made me feel needed and valued.

 I made a promise.  I knew that … and I was taught that promise would be broken if I separated because of abuse.  I know now that is wrong. Marital promises must go both ways –the other party broke their covenant only a couple months into the marriage.  Yet I held on. I was told I was not smart or even qualified enough to be on my own. And I believed them. I was told that, being a woman, I was not to follow the Lord in whatever ministry He would lead me – or use any gifts He would give … that simply didn’t happen.  Being a woman, my greatest role in life was being a Wife – and Mother. I was both. I would be nothing – no social status whatsoever – without a husband. The church culture pressed me to continue on, even attempting to coerce a meeting with the local men to go over their “reconciliation plan” for us.  I received calls, emails and even read court documents where the church community denied the abuse – while in the same breath explained the abuse. And, at the same time, chastised me for not having a biblical reason for separation.  

I stayed for so long because my mind blocked the worse offenses.  If it had not – I would be dead today. These are slowly coming back in terrifying PTSD moments I now live with.  Instead, at the time, I focused on the love, the good times and the hope that change would come. The love stayed, the good times were fleeting and the change never came.  It wasn’t until I realized the change had to be me… and if I did not accept that, I would die… and so may my children. But it took time to find that strength – the strength to be what I thought would be me - alone.

All that I feared did happen… The gossip was mind-blowing and nothing I ever thought I would be given from “friends.”  I was rejected – by family, friends and much of the community. At first, only one friend stood beside me – but that was all I needed.  Others did come along side as time went on – some stayed, others couldn’t stand the fire. The church I had dedicated much of my life to, turned on me.  And, at first I had no voice. There was nothing left I recognized from the life I left… change had come.

Then I started speaking up.  I took a deep breath of the fresh, FREE air … and stood up.  I had to find the strength – buried so deeply into the shell of the woman I was left with – and I began to fight.  It did cost me everything – Just like I was told. But what is growing is the person I was always meant to be… and much more beautiful than what was previously there… this woman is FREE!

January 30, 2019

The Year of the BOAR

2019 - Year of the PIG  
or, more accurately, the boar.

Ah.... the Year of the BOAR.

Wow... well, recently I sat in and listened to a very interesting conversation from a friend and her excitement over the upcoming Chinese Year of the Boar.

Apparently, this is supposed to be a year of ABUNDANCE for those under this sign.

It is so interesting! 

Because my last name means "Wild Boar!"

And, even though I was not born under this Chinese sign - nor do I adhere to much of the beliefs tied to these traditions - I am burdened with an exciting prayer for all those under this sign ...
Whether born under the assigned sign - or under the name (by birth or by choice).

My prayer is that this year WILL be a year of ABUNDANCE for you!

I pray that the harvest in your lives will be mind-blowingly abundant!
I'm talking the kind of harvest that bursts the seams of the silos,
 and fills the storehouses to overflowing!!!

I pray that the harvest is that of what you have sewn into your life. 

That everything done in private or public - acts, words, motives, thoughts and every part of your being - would reap a harvest of ABUNDANCE in what you have chosen to sew into your life.

Go in peace - go in joy ... and watch the harvest! 
So many years of sewing should be an amazing ABUNDANT harvest.


April 22, 2018

Silencing the Abuser's Voice in Your Head

It's been awhile now that I've been honest about, dealing with, and studying the dynamics of abuse and domestic abusive relationships.

My abuser is a master manipulator.  Even when I would warn people in advance - very few could withstand the sheer skill and artistry of the lies.  
But that is not what I am given to speak on today.

Today I am wanting to address the lies told to you - me!

Those are the lies that have embedded themselves into my inner psyche.  If you've been recipient of any sort of psychological abuse at all, you will understand what I'm talking about.

The dust still has yet to settle in my case.  But, even if it had, I would be reckoning with the voices of my past trying to define me.

You are not enough.  You are not smart.  You are only good at being a mother.  You are incapable.  You are...  You are... You are...

I know I'm not the only person who deals with this.  I mean, entire books and seminars have been created around this topic!  It's a big deal to us people.

Listen, Friends, there are days I tell myself that I'm a Daughter, a Princess, an Ambassador, a Warrior.  I am Beloved, Annointed, Treasured and very literal a source of pride... and I'm ready to go.

...that should be enough.

I'm not proud to admit this -- but I am honest enough to -- some days that doesn't seem like enough.  It seems intangible.  And, those things may be true --- but the voice of my abuser(s) have shaped even that.  I hate that.

I want to encourage you with this thought.  Here's how I battle those voices that haunt me... the echoes of their oppression.  

I make a mental list of WHO I AM...

I AM kind even when others are cruel
I AM brave in spite of fear
I AM clinging to the Lord's peace even though I feel the attacks rage on
I AM honest even when lies are told - over and over and over - about me
I AM obedient to the Lord's instructions - regardless of those around me
I AM a woman of integrity even - and especially - when the world says I don't need to be
I AM good and have chosen to love and live well
I AM loving to all ... the unloved, and even the unloving.

I manke a mental list of the abusers' traits that are not mine...

I am NOT dishonest
I am NOT unkind
I am NOT bitter
I am NOT deceptive
I am NOT evil or wicked
I am NOT violent
I am NOT selfish
I am NOT lazy
I am NOT cruel

I look at what I have been freed from...

I am NO LONGER controlled by fear
I am NO LONGER bound by silence
I NO LONGER allow intimidation to shape who I see myself as, how I act, or what I say
I NO LONGER stand idly on the sidelines as evil people crush others 
I NO LONGER sit in silence afraid of what people will think
I NO LONGER, in fear of repercussions, feel the need to laugh with and cheer - as evil people succeed around me
I NO LONGER carry the shame of evil done to me and the abusers who abused  - those are not mine to shoulder

And, while my abuser(s) live such duplicitous lives, it is hard for me to even pinpoint who they actually "are."  I know from my experience what they are NOT.  I no longer need to define myself by passive aggressive comments, gossip, or outright labels - I choose not to be linked with them or their lack of character.  I no longer need to perform for their approval.  I no longer need to listen to them!!!!

I know who I am!  
... I KNOW WHO I AM...




.... NOW, *I* get to choose how to live, how to fear, how to love.

October 25, 2017

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

I used to shrug these sort of things off -- now it seems ironic.  
Ironic that I have lived (and survived!) EVERY facet of Domestic Violence.  
I will no doubt be writing much more on the subject in the future. 

But, for now, I want to implore you who are where I used to think I was...

Pause for a moment... 
it is guaranteed that each of you know AT LEAST
one couple/man/woman who is either currently in, or has been in, an abusive relationship.

I am asked many questions by others.

The top two I want to encourage you all to think about today is :


Here are some articles that I recommend:

(above is a collection I put random articles in which I identify with and which pertain to this subject)

  • I also recommend you know where your local help is found - shelters, counselors, etc.

For me, an agency called the Crystal Judson Family Justice Center here in Tacoma, WA helped me immensely.  
As did counselors who recognized the severity of the situation even before I did.  
At the beginning, only a small handful of close friends were privy to the abuse I was FINALLY acknowledging and confronting.  
Of that "handful," only a few believed me.  
And I am FOREVER thankful for them!!! (YOU know who you are! )
It is because of this small support team I was directed to get help.  
I would never had known what to do on my own... never.
I would never have been able to withstand the pressure to stay.
(Please note, the term "pressure" can be swapped with "abuse.")
Pressure from my Abuser.  
Pressure from my family.  

Pressure from "my church."

Pressure from my "friends." 
And even pressure from myself 
(being embarrassed and afraid of what others would say if they knew the truth)
.... and I would likely have stayed without help... to my death.
(And at the cost of my children's lives too.)
Never underestimate the strength one friend beside a person can give -- be that friend!

Stay tuned!!
2018 will hold many more writings on this subject, in hopes of helping people in these sort of relationships, people trying to get out, and friends/family wanting to help!

August 03, 2017

"The Struggle"

This was an image the Lord burned into my spirit many years back.  
As I've grown and the years have ticked by, 
it's taken on different meanings to me.  
I used to say -- 
"If I could paint ... I would paint that".  
It's been bugging me lately.  I suppose I can liken it to a cleansing... 
I just needed to get it out.

It's the kind of thing that evokes a lot of emotion.  And, everybody who sees it has a different opinion and interpretation.  

None are wrong!

Here you go!
... "The Struggle" ...