October 26, 2016

Five - One Dollar Bills

You know, every once in awhile you find yourself in a situation that leaves you reeling.  You can hardly believe what is happening and it feels as if the lights went out, and the Lord has left you dangling on a cliff.   It's a terrifying position - where time itself seems to stop or at least slow down.  Have you ever felt that way?  I have.  

Let me tell you a little story of a (recent) time I felt this way -- and the incredible show of the Lord ... how HE lit up my step... just ... enough... to take me to the next plain.

I sat there alone on a Saturday.  My husband was recently removed from the house - resulting in a painful separation.  It had been a couple weeks since I had been to church, I couldn't go back from where I came, and my soul just LONGED for worship... for fellowship.  Ok, well maybe not fellowship, I just couldn't tell the story - I just couldn't tell it to another person.  It was too painful, and I felt the betrayal of trust at the deepest level in my soul... time seemed to be standing still.  Darkness.  Unknown.  Hopelessness.

I asked the Lord where should I go?  And immediately, a local church popped into my mind.  I had friends I trusted there, and I had been wanting to visit this Body of Believers for some time.  So, I decided we would go there the next morning.

Morning came, and, emotionally limping, I gathered everybody up and we headed out to church.  The church met in a local high school - so we entered and went into the main room for the church service.  I don't think I was the only person in our group feeling wounded and isolated in the darkness of pain and the unknown future.  I think we all felt that way.

Worship started .. and I could feel the Lord's presence just embrace me and hold me.  I've often told people that "Worship IS Warfare"... and, at that time I believed it more than ever.  Even with the dark unknown, I knew the Lord was with me.  He would help me... but, then my gaze fell to the little children worshiping alongside me, and I felt my heart sink.  

Suddenly, a wave of words and emotions overcame me:  
Sadness.  Wounded.  Misfit.  Betrayed.  Foolish.... and more.

Tears fell -- Hands lifted.

"Lord, help me.  This is not from YOU!"

And, my thoughts pushed back to the worship - the melodies of God's Truth ... combatting the words of darkness.

It was a wonderful, blessed time.  

We then did the whole "welcome" thing where you shake hands around you.  Normally, I dislike those times, but this time, I met some really amazing brothers and sisters in Christ.  The service went on and we were blessed.  However, that was not all the Lord had for us...

At the end of the service, an elderly man came up to me.  He reached out to me and handed me a small roll of bills.  Not quite understanding what was going on, I looked at him curiously.  He was not a man of wealth... and it was apparent his wife was not in good health.  Regardless, he pushed the roll into my hands.  I looked more closely at it and saw dollar bills.  I forced a smile and said thank you.... and he looked at me and said --"Take your kids to get some ice cream."

I just about lost it... it took everything in me to hold back the tears.  You see, what that man didn't know was, when the separation took place, the family bank accounts were drained by the one departing.  At that exact moment, the children and I were looking at an unknown future ... not knowing the path to take - or how to take it ... we did not know where our support would come from - or when it would come. 

I unrolled the money and saw five, well-worn $1 bills.  I showed the children the gift.  And we all stood in awe.  This man could not have known what those five one-dollar bills would mean to this small, broken, family.  How could he?   How could he have known it would give a hurting mother - me - hope?  How could he have known this small act would serve as a testimony of obedience and the Lord's providence to a clan of confused children?  

He couldn't have known - nobody did ... but he did what the Lord put on his heart.  He obeyed.  I'm sure it was uncomfortable for him.  I have to admit, it was different for me!  But pride melted away... there is no room for pride when you're hanging in the dark - praying for light.  This small, kind gesture was the Lord's way of showing me that, as I listen to, seek, and walk with Him, He will care for us.  It may be modest and may be unexpected (actually most likely will be both), but the Lord will care for us.

Never underestimate the power a small act of obedience has.  
Never let a self-conscious, proud spirit get in the way of obedience.  
And never underestimate the ministry of an obedient Church Body... Never.


Since that time, our finances have somewhat balanced out.  
We are still a separated, broken and hurting family, but the Lord is at work.  
This church- in that moment of worship .. in that act of kindness and obedience - has had an immeasurable effect on the faith and hope of this small family.

I am SOOOO encouraged, blessed and thankful for all my brothers and sisters out there -- living and sharing Christ's love with the hurting around them!!

October 19, 2016

The Garden - A Story

Once upon a time, there was a wonderfully kind woman.  She LOVED the Lord and lived her life in discipline to obey Christ in everything.  She would sing and dance in worship to her Creator.   
Life was SO very good.  

The husband was a strong man - both temperamentally and physically.  She loved him with everything in her.  She loved him so much, it didn't bother her much when he would plan everything in her life.  After all, he was outgoing, funny, much more "worldly" than she, and had better ideas than her.  
Their times together were good.

This woman loved plants and all things nature - that is where she met with God.  But, as the years wore on, her garden began to die.  The flowers didn't bloom like they used to.  Weeds choked them out.  Her husband would help, and care for the garden.  
It seemed good.

There were years the woman was exceptionally weary.  She struggled to care for the garden.  Instead of leaning on the Creator - the Master Gardener - for help, she leaned on her husband.  She would still spend time with and talk to the Master Gardener, but the husband kept the garden for her during these times.  
This was not good.

Years passed, the woman became comfortable with relying on the husband to tend her garden - a plot intended for her and her Lord.   She never noticed her the husband was, in actuality, weeding out her flowers.  He was neglecting the care of the soil - which became sterile and toxic to the flowers fighting to bloom.  Instead, grew the weeds he cultivated.  
This was bad.

The woman, loving her husband, convinced herself that weeds are beautiful, too.  Look how they twisted around her lone flower left in the garden!  She would tilt her head and admire their thick tendrils and strong thorns.  This was not surprising.  Because of her kindness, she could see beauty in nearly everything the Lord created.  
This perspective was good. 

She knew in her heart that her husband's well tended weeds were choking out the one flower which had survived the years.  The woman didn't know what to do.  There were too many weeds.   So much time had passed - she had excused and trusted.  ... She looked at God's garden again... so many weeds!  The weeds were all that could be seen as far as her eye could see.  
This was bad.  

The woman turned to study the soil.  This was difficult - the weeds were so thick, she had to cut holes through the thorny vines to see.  You see, she also possessed knowledge.  She knew that healthy soil is necessary for healthy plants.  Her heart broke at what she saw.  The ground had sat uncultivated for so long - it was as hard as stone.  The weeds had taken all the nutrients out of the soil for the beautiful garden.  
This was really bad.

She had never spoken up to instruct her husband as to the garden.  She knew what it took to keep the soil fertile and what was needed for the garden to flourish.  Why had she never spoken up?  Why had she excused and even encouraged these errant practices?  
This was bad.

Suddenly, she was gripped with fear.  It felt just like those vines around the one flower.... the last flower.  It wrapped around her legs, and crippled her. The weeds stole the woman's will and courage as she gazed, distracted and searching for beauty.  
This was terrifyingly bad.

Before the weeds had taken over the land, the woman was free to move.  That fear was more subtle... more excusable.  Occasionally, she would trip.   Fortunately, her husband had created winding paths for her to stay on.  As long as she stood on the path, she would be fine.  There were times she would try to pull the weeds, they would prick and fill her with more fear. Disheartened she would slide back onto the dictated path, and back into gazing and searching for beauty in the garden.... the Lord's garden.  
Was this good?

As the weeds grew and the paths were rerouted, the woman was unable to reach her flower.  The last of the Lord's garden.  She summoned up the courage to go to the flower.  Through the weeds, the thorns, the thick briars -- she reached the flower and held it.  It was never supposed to be this way.  The garden was never meant to grow this way - die this way?  She couldn't even remember how long it had been or how the garden had come to this point.  
This was heartbreakingly bad.

She cried and held the lone flower. But now, the weeds wrapped tightly around her torso.  They dug into her skin... causing her to bleed.  Fear.  They tightened and grew in strength at her defiance in not staying on the path made.  Tighter.  Fear.  Tighter.  But she held the flower - knowing that it should have never been this way.  
This was terribly bad.

The woman called out for her husband.  "HELP!  You are my trusted protector and friend!"  No answer.  She cried out again.  This time she saw her husband watering the weeds - watching her.  As their eyes locked - hers in fear, his in anger - He yanked the vines, tightening their grip even more.  She bled.  She was injured.  She sat crying.  Why?  
This was ... never meant to be... bad.

She fell to her knees - flower in hand. Broken.  Sad.  And with all the breath left in her, she called out to the Lord -- the Creator of the garden.  The Master Gardener.  With one look, He pulled her to her feet.  Gently twisted the vines off her.  And asked her to release her grip on the flower.  She did.  
This was good.

The Master Gardener then asked her if she would trust Him.  The woman looked around and wept as she explained there was nobody else to trust.  She had been deceived - had allowed fear to destroy the garden that was theirs.  She could not go back to her husband's path.  She had to come face to face with the truth of the ugliness of the vines ... the death they brought ... the complacency she allowed ... the fear she fed.  
This was hard - but good.

He began to clear the ground.  As the Lord - the Master Gardener - began to to a mighty work, she saw that many were on her husband's paths following.  They were angry she had left their path.  They didn't understand and were cruel.  They were never there to see the flower or the garden.  They didn't see.  It was as if they didn't even recognize her - friends, family.   She realized they did not come meet with God as she had.  They simply followed.  This broke her heart.  
This was not good.

The Lord continued to clear the ground.  Uproot and destroy the vines - throwing them into the fire.  The path walkers screamed and hurled insult - their anger bubbled out.  They could not contain the anger they felt at the husband's work being destroyed.  They wrongly thought the weeds were his great work.  This was not true.  He was not meant to garden this plot.  And this was not how the garden was meant to be.  
The change was painful - but good.

The husband was so sad about his weeds.  But was he?  She did not know.  She saw him nurture and then yank the vines to injure her.  He had promised to protect her.  He sobbed... the vines -- HIS vines.  
He felt this was bad.

The Lord continued the good work.  The sobs of the husband turned into rage.  How DARE his vines be taken.  How dare his paths be ruined!  LOOK at all the followers following his paths!!!  Where will they follow now?!  
The Master Gardener continued ... HIS work was was good.

As the Lord touched the ground, it became rich and fruitful... the woman cried tears of joy and sang praises.  She found a voice she had forgotten she had been given.  She watched  the Master Gardener planting new flowers in the ground.  Not yet grown, she knew they would be even more beautiful than before.  
This is wonderfully good!

Today, the woman sits with her Lord in the garden.  It's a bit empty, as the seeds are just growing.  But she knows something new is coming - something beautiful.  She and her Creator talk and wait.  He tells her of the trees and fruit - the colorful flowers and glorious scent.  She is healing.  Her master Gardener is healing her as they wait together.  
This is very, very good.

The Master Gardener is also working on the husband... though the woman cannot see.  But she trusts her Lord.  
This.  Is.  Good!

September 12, 2016

A Poem for Your Monday!

This past week, My oldest son was asked to choose a poem from a list of well-known poets.  I LOVE the poem he chose (and how it reveals his heart) and wanted to share it.

If I can Stop One Heart from Breaking
Emily Dickinson

If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting Robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

September 05, 2016

Who Am I?

I know that, typically, people will set up a post like this to explain who they are.  All the flowery and glow-y achievements they have accomplished.  Maybe they will explain about their kids - and what wonderful people they are.  Or maybe they will even try and sell themselves as marders for their cause.  I don't know.  And, honestly, I can't begin to pretend that I understand the mindset of most people.

I've known bloggers that are sincere and honest - their writing is their heart.  (by the way - there are many of these out there!!) But, I've also known authors who use their writing as a way to portray what/who they WISH they could be.  On second thought, maybe they don't really wish they could be - maybe they are perfectly happy being "multi dimensional"  HAHA!  This is what I will call those people -- the ones with the masks... the ones who work so hard to have you feel they can meet you where you are and, in doing so, earn trust they should not (necessarily) be given.

I hope and pray that you will find me in the first camp.  This blog has been a long journey for me.  I've dabbled writing in the past.  I'm not eloquent - I certainly am not the most creative person - I have nothing truly original to share.  And that latter point is a biggie to me.  I've read SO many blogs that speak my heart -- that beautifully explain and word what I feel -- I find myself shrugging and assuming those amazing people will speak for me.

Well, regardless, throughout my life, many have asked me to write more... I would ration:  not only have others written before and more beautifully than I,  but with what time would I write??  I know that we all make time for whatever is a priority in our lives - this is a fact.  But, as you learn more about me and the road I've walked to get to this point, you will see... for some, their "priorities" are taken from them.  They are redefined - even assigned - by others.  Their voices gradually sink away ... kind of like the sun at dusk - but not nearly as beautifully and certainly not as dramatic.   Actually, usually nobody notices.   However, the results are the same.... darkness.

So let me introduce myself.  I am HOPE.  Yep, that's my name.  It's a smidge ironic to me - but I know the Lord gave it to me (through my parents, of course) for reasons I have even yet to discover.  I LOVE the Lord Jesus Christ... like LOVE LOVE!  I get really excited when I read God's Word.  I've been accused of being stubborn and unteachable.  Stubborn, yes - Unteachable, depends on the person assuming I should be learning from them.  But, as you get to know me and my story, you will see how the Lord used my "stubborn" spirit to save me.  Without that - I would certainly NOT be here ... writing or otherwise.

I have my feet planted FIRMLY in middle age.  I am a mother of 4... and (at the time I wrote this, was for 17 years) a wife to 1.  Because of the nature of this blog, I will not be using most people's names.  Most people will have aliases unless they approve of me using their names.  And, I will say, most will not.  So fun, odd and obscure nicknames it is!

I have been married over 16 years.  I was married at the age of 24 - my first real relationship, my first true love.  From that point, we moved around quite a bit.  Husband is in sales - so we followed the job opportunities.  I worked in agriculture and loved it.  CA - Chicago - CA - WA.  I started staying home when we had our first child, "O," and have been a stay-at-home mom ever since.

Husband travels (and travelled) quite extensively for work - while I kept the home fires burning (and the children alive).  And, when not traveling, he was working from home.  This has not been an easy life... and not an easy marriage.  We live in a military community - and his travels I used to liken to the soldier's shorter deployments.  Though, not as dangerous - or honorable -  and I certainly did not have the community.  Because of this, Husband and kids became my world.  We pressed into a local church - deeply.  They helped care for me and the kids while Husband was away.  They loved on us.  Husband would play in the worship band - and quickly became a VERY influential person in the church. (Actually, at this point, I would challenge anybody who would argue that he is not the MOST influential)  I would do the "mom" thing - Mops, playdates, women's retreat, and even lead Bible studies (because, remember, I truly LOVE LOVE LOVE God's Word!).  I never did much outside of church - neighbors were held at a distance; mom friends from school as well; and even, yes, even family.

I trusted Husband with EVERYTHING.  And I do mean everything ... I never doubted him.  Thing is, Husband has secrets --- (pipe down!!!  This post/blog is not to air those out!)  But what I thought was the big one - that I thought was a secret for me to keep - is his anger.  It's always right below the surface.  He comes across as charismatic, joyful, funny and all that.  But, I learned early in our marriage that I was not to compete with him ... and if I dare challenge him, I should be prepared to stand my ground and ready for the fall-out.  The problem was, I was a fearful person at the very core of my heart.  You know, this is not because of anything anybody necessarily did... it's just who I was.  My father is kind, gentle and merciful.  I have to really strain to think of a single incident of him losing his temper.  So - fast forward to early in marriage - I had NEVER seen a person up close with anger issues.  I have NEVER lived with a person like that.  Holes in the walls?  check.  Hitting things? check.  Marching off and driving away - leaving me afraid and feeling guilty for lengths of time?  check - check.  Often the blow-up would occur, then Husband would return and bring a profuse flow of  "I'm sorry" and tears... (for the things he would choose to apologize for -- not the heart issues, though.  This is an important distinction --- and there WILL be blog post at some point on this as well.)

It didn't take long for me to learn how to navigate those waters.  Being a middle kid of 5, I had expertly discovered how to disappear, be a peace keeper, cover up - and ignore other's faults, avoid conflict, and apologize for things I didn't do.  This is what the norm became for me in my marriage.  I was great at what I did!  I would cover, apologize, excuse, and pad conversations to keep peace.  As time went on, it because instinctual.  He would have flare ups, but not nearly like in the early years.  He would tout that is was because of the great growth in his life.  I would smile, knowing it was because of what an excellent job I was doing in my efforts at being an "good" wife.  Still - I trusted him with my everything ... and loved him with every fiber in my being.

As Husband's anger because more and more "tamed" ... I noticed other attributes boiling up.  For one, I noticed a developing aire of being above accountability.  Oh, sure - with the church, he has friends (pastors, elders, cops and judges, too!).  He would have "accountability" with these men.  But did they really know the Truth?  I would really like to think - no.  But if they did/do - shame on them!

This underlying anger, potent influence in the only community circle I had (doubly bad since it uses God, as well), and answering to no-one --- is a DEADLY cocktail.

I share so much about this because I was silent for a long, long time on these things.  But, where I am today ... was birthed through this cauldron.  Some would call it domestic abuse ... it is.  But I didn't realize what it was.  I thought he was just abnormally potent in his personality... and I was not.  So, I hunkered down and sought the Lord.  I studied Scripture and moved to be the best wife I could be... submissive, obedient, honoring and respectful.  I would pray for the Lord to teach me true Love - as in 1Corinthians 13... and I tried hard to discipline myself in that matter (there will be a post on this as well!).

The Lord began to work in me - greatly about 6 years ago.  A deep rending of my heart.  And, as I know my Sweet Jesus to be, He has MERCIFULLY been peeling away the idols, sinful habits, and breaking off chains that had held my heart and spirit for so long.  Honestly, many of these things I wasn't even aware of!  People!!! ... I was the Christian of all Christian wives!  But, it is true --  MY heart is deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9).  Just as I hid marital things from others, just as I covered Husbands issues, just as I navigated being a middle kid ..... I could hide the true roots in my heart....even from myself.  I could actually redefine them in spiritual context to excuse them!  And I had.

In these years, the Lord taught me to pray.  My HUNGER for His Word grew and grew!!!  I saw miracles happen right before my eyes - lives changed, people healed, hearts turned!  ... ALL THROUGH PRAYER.  I learned the power of spiritual warfare... and the need to know and use the Bible - the Sword of the Spirit.  I became more bold as the Lord taught me.  I became more certain of my Faith as I witnessed the Glory of Christ around me... everywhere I turned - there it was!!!  A miracle was happening in my heart - and changing me.

I will touch on all those things later, but you need to note the internal change in me long before the "Quiet Voice" was able to speak up.  It didn't happen overnight.  There wasn't a secret or a book that walked me through it.... it was as simple - and complex - as yielding my life to Jesus Christ... offering myself a living sacrifice ... crawling up on the altar of God and honestly asking Him to do a mighty work in me -- knowing it would be painful.

You see... as I grew in confidence and Faith, I began to notice I had ideas and opinions.  For years and years I sat and watched.  I would observe people.  I would cover for people.  I would see things in and around.  And, I sat silently.  Who would listen to me?  They probably wouldn't like me if I said anything.  And, when I would try to speak up --- literally 9 times out of 10, I would be ignored, interrupted or blatantly spoken over.  My voice is naturally weak... it doesn't carry very far... and is easy to ignore in a group.  (But I think the Lord's working on that, too.)

My confidence in my relationship with Jesus Christ grew until, one day, I shared with Husband what the Lord was doing and speaking to me.  It was not met kindly.  Yet, I stood - afraid, but firm.  This started a domino effect -- climaxing in a violent physical attack on me.  All the Husband/Me things are still being worked out/on.  But the physical hurt -- the vicious lies and gossip that followed -- were a sincere and very real wake-up call to me.  It was as if my house of cards CRASHED down on me in an instant.  My world -- was confusing.  It was a lie.  And it's time to be honest about it.

So, that's where I am today.  I am a domestic abuse survivor.  I am a domestic violence survivor.  I am a wife who PLEADS to the Lord on behalf of Husband.  I am a wife and friend - deeply betrayed.  I am a Mom - trying... trying... trying.  I am a friend who hid in fear and hurt.   I am a woman who is learning to breathe again.  I am a child of God.  I am Loved beyond belief by the Creator Himself.  I am not alone.  I am learning to SPEAK.  I am growing in Faith.  I am brave in ways I never thought.   I am kind and compassionate.  I am forgiven and recreated.  I am everything the Bible says I am -- and I hold to the promises made by the Lord Himself... they span time and culture because I KNOW my God is with me.

... and He can be with you as well.  Because YOU are loved beyond belief.  You are brave.  And those promises in the Bible?? -- they can be yours, too!!!

* I want to note that I will also be writing on church issues in this blog,  Things I've observed.  Things the Lord has been teaching me.  But I want to note and make clear to you all -- though I've been hurt and shocked at how the community and "friends" have not only readily adopted lies, slander and gossip but added to and continued the spread of those thing in regards to me and my life --- I have been even MORE surprised and blessed by the people and true friends who HAVE encouraged me.  Few things show the true hearts of people like a good crisis.  So, while I will be writing quite a bit -- do not lose faith in people.  There are folks who listen to TRUTH, fixing their eyes on Christ all around --- and if you look, you will find them!!!