January 30, 2019

The Year of the BOAR

2019 - Year of the PIG  
or, more accurately, the boar.

Ah.... the Year of the BOAR.

Wow... well, recently I sat in and listened to a very interesting conversation from a friend and her excitement over the upcoming Chinese Year of the Boar.

Apparently, this is supposed to be a year of ABUNDANCE for those under this sign.

It is so interesting! 

Because my last name means "Wild Boar!"

And, even though I was not born under this Chinese sign - nor do I adhere to much of the beliefs tied to these traditions - I am burdened with an exciting prayer for all those under this sign ...
Whether born under the assigned sign - or under the name (by birth or by choice).

My prayer is that this year WILL be a year of ABUNDANCE for you!

I pray that the harvest in your lives will be mind-blowingly abundant!
I'm talking the kind of harvest that bursts the seams of the silos,
 and fills the storehouses to overflowing!!!

I pray that the harvest is that of what you have sewn into your life. 

That everything done in private or public - acts, words, motives, thoughts and every part of your being - would reap a harvest of ABUNDANCE in what you have chosen to sew into your life.

Go in peace - go in joy ... and watch the harvest! 
So many years of sewing should be an amazing ABUNDANT harvest.
